You Get A Reset!

Let Go, Lead, & Say No- Secrets to Success with James Wedmore

Season #1 Episode #11

Ready to lead your life on purpose? In this interview with my friend and business mentor James Wedmore you’ll learn three essential habits to grow as leaders and entrepreneurs. Drawing on his own experiences of growing his business from zero to $10 million a year while- most importantly- empowering purpose driven leaders all around the world, James talks about:

  • Why he loves serving online, 
  • The world of possibility outside our sonar screens; and, 
  • The identity and vision that makes a leader. 

Ready to let go, lead, and say no so you can step into the bigger purpose in your life?  Check out James’ free training
If you want to take your work to the next level as a coach, consultant, or course creator, I highly recommend Business By Design with James Wedmore. It’s changed my life, and it can do the same for you!

Thanks for RISING with us! Take a screenshot while you’re listening and post it to your Instagram stories with your favorite takeaway. Tag me  @kerri_altom .  

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