You Get A Reset!

The Absolutely Life Changing Money Story Switch

Season #2 Episode #18

It starts with a money story switch, but the real payoff is more time, wellness, and ease. 

Your money stories reflect your experiences, beliefs, and goals. They shape your feelings, thoughts, and the actions you take. And because money impacts most areas of your life, your money stories create your reality. Good thing you can rewrite them!

Our guest shares how she did just that. Louise Cartright is a coach, teacher, and entrepreneur who celebrates the abundance in her life- family, wellness, meaningful work, and time to enjoy the outdoors. But it wasn’t always so. 

We hear how Louise came to recognize her toxic money stories, and how changing them unleashed the life she has now. And how you can do the same. It's an inspiring chat with some specific actions you can take to make your own moves from an agonizing to an "absolutely life changing" money mindset.


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